ATS Core Values Logo
These are the customer's favorites and final design.
Building off the former box design for ABCs, we’ve taken that concept and elevated it to a slightly more abstract 3-d and subliminal design.
Keeping similar colors and box concept should help with transition from what ABCs use to be and what they are now.
The absence of space in concept 2 3-D box can subliminally provide audience with the ability to build what core values is to them and their work. A the core is dna.
The triangle also has some of these elements but it a more rigid/closed structure. We prefer the openness of the 3-d box.
The expansion of the design seen in the ppt. has an kinetic energy, with intention of pulling the audience in but also subliminally having core value expand outward.
What we did
- Branding
- Concept
- Printing
- Motion